Monday, February 23, 2015

Devil's Dictionary Reborn Updated 2/23/2015, Newest Definitions Are First

Indirect, and inefficient method of producing earthquakes and contamination of underground water. The process involves squirting secret chemicals deep in the ground to produce methane to assist in accelerating global warming.

Forest Preserve
Trees in a guarded area designed to permit facilitated tree removal.

Endangered Species
Any species at risk of extinction until the prospect of a well funded development project remarkably increases the population and decreases the extinction risk factors to allow removal off the list.

Used as a single device or as part of a smartphone, a camera enables a person to forgo direct experience of an event so they can recall it indirectly at a later time. Due to the speed of functionality some may indirectly experience the event on the camera while the event is still occurring.

Service that holds your money in complex investments so that the bank is guaranteed to make astronomical profits while making it impossible for the customer to achieve comparable results as an individual.

Witness Testimony
Version of events as seen, heard, and felt by a bystander. This has proven to be as reliable as any similar witnessed event by a dead fish.

Institution created to help workers by exponential growth to a point where dues cannot afford to maintain itself, and the company for which union is associated with, cannot compete in the race for preservation.

Official Blog
Newspaper or other media online method of offloading content not fit to print. (essentially rejected 'letters to the editor" as written by their own columnists).

Device created to prevent in-person communications and solve the issue of Awkward Elevator Encounters.

Method by which companies move health insurance, leave, and pensions to employee responsibility so as  to increase revenue.

Golden Parachute
An idea that if existed in reality would readily lead to death, but use figuratively means that if you are in a high paid position, corrupt and forced out of work, you will be rewarded many times over.

Product Support Call Center
Process designed to allow customer a second chance to not take action against defects or poor service by use of aversion techniques and mental fatigue.

Car Alarm
A mechanism that usually activates and flashes a car's lights along with a beeping horn or other alarm. The purpose of this is to alert and aid the car thief to move quickly, so as not to get caught.

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